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Based in the Pacific Northwest, Still Creek Insight works with local, regional, national and international partners, organizations and communities to bring insight for growth.

Click here for a list of current projects, affiliations, next steps and future considerations.

Mi = Mf + Mp + Mp

Magnified impact


Much focus + Many Partners + many projects

Still Creek Insight operates for maximum impact. We believe this impact is a result of increased focused, increased awareness and learning from others, increased partnerships and, ultimately, increased service to people.

Based in the philosophy and ethos of the service of previous leaders such as Eleanor Roosevelt, Still Creek Insight operates with intentional self-reflection, open ears and arms and continual assessment in order to bring you the most insightful service.

Enneagram eights who are self-aware enough to know our predilection to take on “too many” new projects as determined by handing off old ones “too often” or “unbaked” can find the path forward which honors and doubles-down on the ability to imagine new projects while maintaining continuity and focus. Perhaps best seen in an example such as Eleanor Roosevelt, below.

In short, the answer to, “how many?” is “why?” [Sinek].

P. 241-2. “Eleanor was now giving speeches everywhere…[amazing transformation from a speech-impediment with “giggles” generally not taken seriously and very frustrated with herself!] …”Our generation allowed dreadful things to happen, but the same things will happen in your generation, and you must by educated to meet these new problems,” she told her audience of three hundred twenty-one-year-olds that war would be their problem, too, because statesmen all to often missed their chance to keep the peace: “Somehow, they feel they might be looked up on as cowardly should they inaugurate such a movement.” After all, she submitted, “It is bornin every little boy to fight – to use his fists.” Women, therefore, must be the ones to use their heads. She advised “developing a world mind” to think globally…”

P. 242. Between speeches, Eleanor:

  • worked weekends at the League of Women Votes,
  • raised money for the Women’s Trade Union League’s new clubhouse,
  • and dug in deeper on new findings for the Consumers’ League.
  • As a legislative director of the bipartisan Women’s City Club of New York,
  • she stood-up for
    • child labor laws,
    • workmen’s compensation,
    • and the adoption of an amendment to the Penal Law legalizing the distribution of birth control among married couples.
  • …she made clean, practical arguments for
    • a literacy rate at least as high as tohat of Japan
    • for children released from factories to be sent tos chools
    • for mothers and bibes made safe from preventable falities.