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Frameworks for interviewing

Our lives are fluid. We often always almost think they are static. I know because we speak as if they are. Where am I? Not where am I coming from and going? But the spirit is wind, not a static rock.

D. Clinton. 6/5/2022

Who are we? Where am I? How did I get here? Where do I want to go? How do I get there? Brene Brown. Via Pastor Danny 6/5/2022

How do you know?

A question for after many questions.

This pushes our conversation to the meta-cognitive level.

How would you answer?

Who knows you best – what would they answer with, about you? What would they say about your answer?

What would your spouse say about your answer? What would your friends say? Coworkers? A stranger?

Triangulation is a research tool to learn about a subject in multiple, simultaneous, overlapping, sometimes even conflicting, pathways.

Asking directly.

Asking others about their experience with the subject.

Observing in real-time as well as reviewing and studying past documents, behavior, products, patterns.

Source: Unknown

An example of one thing you prefer snd one thing that you value?

From WSJ “one sheet” on Stephen Colbert

Spring 2022

What is the one thing about you people would be most surprised to learn

Who’s the one person you’d most like to interview

What’s the one thing you’d grab from your house in a fire, after family

What was the one phone call that changed your life

What is the one thing you always do before taping a show

Who is the one person you’d call in a crisis

What’s your guilt pleasure

What’s the one thing about yourself you wish you could change

What’s the one thing you’d most like to be remembered for

WSJ Spring 2022. “Soapbox – The Columnists. WSJ asks six luminaries to weigh in on a single topic. This month – diligence.

So SCI is asking each interviwee this year to weigh in on ______. One word or phrase…

From A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf

Regarding the supposedly “average” woman who was oppressed by men and of whom very little is known – as opposed to the fictionalized woman who was celebrated in literature and art:

“At what age did she marry? How many children had she as a rule, what was her house like, had she a room to herself, did she do the cooking, would she like to have a [housekeeper/cook/attendant]? Page 45

ala page 45 – adapted by BM – for every dollar you own/make, how much do you control where it goes? To what? How do you define control?

Ala p 44- if you were to write a diary entry for today it would say….? If you were to be remembered for one quote you said: …. If you were to be remembered for one thing….what would you definitely NOT want to be remembered for? if someone were to write a history/biography of you, what would it say?

Via p45. Which woman from history would you want to interview and what would you ask?

Via p45 how were educated? Formally? Informally (self, most influential school teachers? Mort influential teachers outside of formal school?, authors?….)

Via p46. What one thing we take today as historical fact do you think could be or should be debunked? Or would be most shocking or helpful(?) if it were debunked?

Via p 65 If you were to listen to a conversation between, or watch an interaction of, any three people current/not, who? What would you expect/hope/least expect?

Questions from Met photos of cards

What or who is “mysterious” to you and why? Do you prefer this or do you want to pull back that curtain? Either way, what do you think is back there? What would surprise you most or least back there? Why do you think it/they are a mystery to you? Who is it not to? Why?

Below from New York Times Magazine, July 10, 2022. David Marchese interview of Krista Tippett (long time host of NPR “On Being” show – she hosted a varied slate of guests exploring “profound and inexhaustible questions about theology, ethics, science, the soul, and what it means to be human.”

When do you find that your mind and heart can expand to flourish? To flourish personally? Relationally? Professionally? Artistically? Civically?

What does “power” mean to you? In your line of work? “Power for any media project is being on as many platforms as possible,” says Tippett who is 61. “But does it have to be that way? What if growth means that you step away from the powerful platforms and go deeper into the quiter things? That’s a risk, but it’s one we needeed to take” (p. 12).

  • For you,

How much of “you” is wrapped up in your work? What of you is not?

What gives you hope? Where do you feel like you feel hope and maybe others don’t? What in the world do you “refuse to accept?” In other words, what will you not accept simply as “the way it is?”

What is the role of nature, the rhythm of the seasons, what is blooming/dying when, animals, circles/cycles, etc., in your work/creativity/what you provide/produce and when/how you market/publish…. Ala, New York Times 8/21/2022, growing a beauty brand, field by field. Weleda’s popular face cream evolved by following the rhythms of nature. By Chantel Tattoli.

From “Talk: Krista Tippett on the need to counter the dysfunction of our time. ‘I talk about hope being a muscle. It’s not wishful thinking. It’s an imaginative leap.'” – by David Marchese. New york Times Magazine, July 10, 2022

What do you do, are you doing, do you wish you could do, did you used to do, to “flourish” your work – to flourish your heart-and-mind expansion?

“Power for any media project is being on as many platforms as possible,” says Tippett, who is 61. “But does it have to be that way? What if growth means that you step away from the powerful platforms and go deeper into the quieter things? That’s a risk, but it’s one we needed to take.” What could you step away from and create a net-gain for yourself? Where are your quieter/deeper things – how do you know?

“one of the things I’ve been attentive to

Danny Clinton. 8/28/2022. The secret to supporting people is to recognize every room you walk into has people fighting their own battle – addiction, confusion, …. So what are you battling right now? How different is this from those in your immediate circles?

Danny Clinton 8/28/2022. If you had time, capacity, bravery?, what would you stop and pay attention to, read, watch, do, listen to?

Fodder for questions, questions from: What Grown-Ups Don’t Understand About School Also this can be fodder for a framework for questions. what don’t we understand about…your org? Your work? Your colleagues? The people you serve? .and then of whom do we ask “what don’t we understand about you””

Danny Clinton 8/28/2022. If you had time, capacity, bravery?, what would you stop and pay attention to, read, watch, do, listen to?

Danny Clinton. 8/28/2022. The secret to supporting people is to recognize every room you walk into has people fighting their own battle – addiction, confusion, …. So what are you battling right now? How different is this from those in your immediate circles?

How did you get started? What is your story? How did you get start up capital? What does your competition look like? What your your potential customers buying/habits? What are the most important rules/regulations in your industry? Emma Patch, 12/20, Kiplinger’s, interview of Lakshmi Balachandra, Professor and fellow at National Science Foundations Technology Innovation snd Partnerships Directorate program.